Members gathered for the Guild September monthly meeting eager to try their hands at a Cubist style painting using a still life as a starting point. Each member set up a small still life or brought a photo to use as a reference. They worked in a variety of mediums including pastel, watercolour and acrylics.

Each artist had a different approach – I sat next to Alan Morgan who has worked in this style for a number of years and he suggested stating with a pencil drawing of the subject and then superimposing a grid of shapes in which to distort the original drawing.

I started this way but found myself extending lines from within the drawing and finding shapes and surfaces to accentuate. It was an interesting experience.

Jim set up a still life of stoneware jars and worked in pastel.

Jenny took her inspiration from a photograph working in charcoal and pastel.

Gloria executed a bold depiction of an apple.

Mike worked in watercolour in gentle tones inspired by a photo of an old lamp.
Sonia created a decorative illustration in pastel.